Getting started with Umbraco - Part 1

Lets start with introduction to Umbraco

Umbraco is the friendly open source CMS in the cloud. With automated upgrades, unlimited hosting and smooth deployments, it's the smarter and more productive way to build websites which of course best supports Dot net apps. Thumbs up for dot net developers .
Umbraco is very quick and easily installable. Even better, it comes with many features straight out of the box. For example, it's possible to build an entire site without delving into the code yourself, simply by using pre-built templates and the back-end CMS. But for us developers who like to get our hands dirty, websites can also be coded completely from scratch.
In this series, I will try to create an entire site from scratch, because there is always fun sharing what we learn  :)

Things We Will Need:

  1. Umbraco:  We'll need Umbraco itself, the downloadable zip file can be found at:
  2. IDE: We'll also need a .Net IDE, ideally we can use Visual Studio, but Microsoft's Visual Web Developer (VWD) Express, which is free, is just as good for our needs here.

  3. SQL Server: Once SQL Server 2008 has been installed, we'll need to grab the Database and Management Tools; these are found on the Express Downloads page at (make sure the SQL Server 2008 R2 Express tab is selected and choose the correct type for your operating system (32 or 64 bit). When installing SQL Server, ensure that mixed-mode or SQL authentication is selected and enter a password to access the server. The default user name is sa, this is required when installing Umbraco. Note that Umbraco is compatible with a range of different database solutions.
Did this go well ? Okay Good , let's start now .

Step 1 -  Install Umbraco and setting up site

Simple way - just create a new empty ASP.Net Site using IDE in some location .For example I created a new folder called .netsites and then created another new folder within this called umbracosite. Once the site has been created and opened in the main window, make sure you change the Virtual Path option in the Properties pane from /umbracosite to / (this is the root of the site).
We'll also need a database which will contain all of the Umbraco information needed to make the back-end work, as well as all of the content that we create once the site is built. Umbraco supports many Data-Sources but as the WPI will automatically install SQL Server Express, we may as well use that. Create a new database using the SQL Server Management Studio and call it something like umbracodb or similar.(Connect using SQL authentication - username defaulted as sa during installation).
Next, open up the Umbraco zip file, then open the build directory and copy all of the folders and files into the folder for the site we just created. Make sure you replace the web.config file when asked to do so. Once this is done, switch to the Solution Explorer tab in the Solution Explorer pane at the right and hit the refresh icon. All of the folders and files we just added to the folder will be listed. Expand the install folder, right-click the default.aspx file and choose View in Browser. This will launch the Umbraco installer in your default web browser. Click the giant Let's Get Started button to make a start.
The first screen is the license screen; have a read though it (it's just a few lines!) and then hit the Accept and Continue button at the bottom. The next screen will ask if you have a blank database installed, choose Yes and then select Microsoft SQL Server from the drop-down list box. On the next screen enter the name of the SQL server (probably Desktop), the name of the database you created, the username (sa) and the password you use to access SQL Server. Click the button. The tables used by Umbraco will be created in the database.
On the next screen choose a password to access the Umbraco back-end. The default username of admin is fine for local development, and additional admins can be created when the site goes live. Click the button.
On the next screen you can choose the type of site you are creating, which will give you a kit tailored to that type of site. For now, hit the No Thanks button at the end and confirm the dialog. That's it, we're done! Click on the large Set up your new website button and we should be prompted to log in to the Umbraco back-end using the username and password we specified during install. Once we do this, we should see the back-end of the CMS:
Back End Umbraco Snapshot
Back End of Umbraco CMS

Left Hand side is Node tree where we find all the nodes of our site (pages and content items which make up our site) . Right hand section changes as we select the left node items. 

Step 2 - Defining Document Types

This is very important which is worth spending some time before creating document type . Its very simple , it can be defined as different types of doc's that your site will be stacked with and how is their hierarchy ? , i.e. the way how they nest in site .
For example : Site consists of different pages like home page, dashboard page , about us page, contact us page etc . And home page might have rich text editor ,dashboard consist of different graphs/images , text , sliders . All these map to different regions in back end .
Let us start with creation to understand in a better way . Click Settings  link in the Sections panel , right click Document Types and select Create 

Doc type Creation in CMS
Creation of Document Type
In the dialog that appears choose Base Page as the name and then click the Create button. A new node for our document type will be created in the main left-hand node tree, and the property sheet for the Document Type will be displayed in the main panel at the right:

Base Page
As per screenshot a matching Template has also been created and has been added to the Allowed templates section in the right hand panel. The Default template for this Document Type has also been set to Base Page. In Breif templates map to .Net masterpages. (We will discuss more on templates below).

There are a many properties that we can complete if appropriate. We can nest Document Types so it can be useful to set some general properties that any child document types will inherit. Switch to the Generic Properties tab and then select the item that says Click here to add a new property to expand the item. In the Name text field enter the text Domain Name (the Alias will be populated automatically), and in the Type select box choose Textstring:
Properties Generic Tab
To add the new property click the save icon (the disk) at the top of the panel. Now any Document Types that are derived from Base Page will inherit the Domain Name property (although it will not be editable). Add one more property to the Generic Properties tab; the name is Umbraco Hide In Navigation (but change the alias manually to umbracoNavHide) and the Type should be True/false.

It is also common practice to add things like meta keywords and a meta description here (although we'll forgo that in this example). Now we can create some additional Document Types, one for the home page, one for content pages and one for news pages. We can also create a Document Type for our carousel panels.

To create the home page document type right click on the Base Page Document Type and choose create, add Home Page as the name of the new Document Type. This new Document Type will be nested within the Base Page document in the node tree, but for it to derive from the Base Page properly we need to select the Base Page Document Type in the left menu, switch to the Structure tab and tick the Home Page check box. Click the save icon to confirm the change. Now the Document Types will nest properly.

As a matter of course I normally set a new Icon and Thumbnail for the home page. This can be done on the Info tab. I have chosen Setting Domain for the Icon and docWithImage for the Thumbnail. These aren't critical, but they are considered a nice touch and will give the home page a little house icon in the content part of the CMS.

We'll need some more properties for this Document Type, but as these are to do with the content on the page we'll create a new tab for them. Make sure Home Page is selected in the node tree and then switch to the Tabs tab. In the New Tab field enter Content and click the New tab button, and once the tab is listed click the save icon.

We'll also need some properties for our home page, remember, our home page will feature some introductory text, a banner image and a panel carousel; we'll deal with the carousel separately, but we still need to define the introductory text and banner image. Select the Generic properties tab and create a new property for the introductory text:

Create Richtext Editor Property
Similarly we add for Banner Image also :
Create Media picker Type Banner property
Both of our properties have been added to the new Content tab, and both are set to mandatory, so when we begin creating pages, both of these properties will need to be set in order to publish the home page.

We still need Document Types for our content pages, news pages, and panels. Right click the Base Page Document Type once more and choose Create. Call the new Document Type Content, and make sure it is set as an allowed child node type in the structure tab of the Base Page document type. Choose a new icon and thumbnail for this Document Type (I have set both to doc), create a content tab and set a mandatory property on the Content tab called Page Copy, which should be of the type Richtext editor. We can also add a property on this Document Type for the page title. This property can go on the Generic properties tab and should be a simple Textstring. It does not need to be mandatory.

Next create a Document Type called News List; it should be nested under Base Page (remember to set it as an allowed child node of the Base Page Document Type by ticking the box on the structure tab) and just needs one generic property – a Page Title. The News List page on the visible forward-facing site will be built from a series of news items so does not need to have any content added to it. But we also need to create a Document Type for the news items.
Right click the News List document type and choose Create. Add News Item as the name and once it has been created, go to the Structure tab of the News List Document Type and set News Item as an allowed child node. The News Item Document Type will need to have a Content tab added, and will need the following properties: Names, Type, Date, Date picker, Headline, Textsrting, News Text, Richtext editor, Story Image, Media picker.

All except the Story Image should be mandatory and all should go on the Content tab.

Finally, we can create the Document Type for our panels. This Document Type will differ from those we have created so far because it won't have a matching template (masterpage). Right-click on Base Page and create a new Document Type called  Panel, making sure the Create Matching Template checkbox is un-ticked. This document type will need a Content tab and a single property called Panel Content of type Richtext editor.

For the XSLT macros that we'll create later on to work correctly all pages of the site will need to be nested under the Home Page in the Content section of Umbraco. To set this up, all we need to is select the Home Page document type, go to the Structure tab and tick the box for the Content,  Panel, and News List pages, then click the save icon. That's it, our Document Type work here is done!
There are other things we can do; for example, we can go back and give our Document Types and properties descriptions to make the CMS more user-friendly for the client that will eventually use it to maintain and administer their site. There are also many different icons and thumbnails to choose for the different types of nodes we might create. At this point, our back-end should appear like this:

Back End appears like this with Nodes

Step 3 - Templates

Templates are just masterpages and each time we've created a Document Type we've created a matching template. Expand the Templates folder in the node tree ( Reload nodes if not visible) to see all of the templates that have been created. Just like Document Types, templates (and therefore masterpages) can also be nested, which is another powerful feature that we can take advantage of. To nest the templates we need to select each template and choose which template they should be nested under.
Working backwards from the order we created the Document Types in choose the News Item template in the node tree. It will populate the right hand pane of the CMS and list some information about the template and the code (which will be practically empty at this point with just a little ASPX code at the top. In the Master template select box choose Base Page.
Although the News Item document type is a child of the News List document type, the template does not necessarily need to be nested under the News List template, but it does need to be nested under the Base Page template in order to pick up the site-wide header, footer and main navigation that we'll add. Save the change by clicking the disk icon.

The Content, Home Page and News List templates should all be nested under the Base Page template by choosing Base Page from the select box in each template. Once you have done this right click the Base Page template and choose Reload nodes. All four templates will then be shown as children of the Base Page:
Final Look of Expanded Nodes
We're now at the stage where we can begin coding; we'll make a start on this by adding the code for each template in the next part of this series.

In part one of this series we looked at what Umbraco is and what it can be used for, and walked through the super simple installation process to get a local site setup for development. We saw that Document Types are the key to the structure of both the forward-facing web site and the content section of the back-end CMS.

Read Next : Getting Started with Umbraco: Part 2


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