
Showing posts with the label SQL

Handle Divide-By-Zero Error In SQL

The idea here is that, as with any other form of math that we know of, we cannot divide by zero in a SQL call. Therefore, running this code : SELECT ( 3765 / 0 ) AS value ; if  you ever tried this , result of SQL server would be  : To prevent this sort of error from being thrown, author Hugo Kornelis suggests using a NULLIF () in the divisor of the equation. NULLIF () takes two arguments and returns NULL if the two values are the same and can be used to turn the divisor from a zero into a NULL which, in turn, will force the entire equation to become NULL .  SELECT ( 3765/ NULLIF( 0, 0 ) ) AS value ; Therefore, while we try running modified query (as above) , we would end up getting Null Object , which reduces the risk of handling divide by zero : NULLIF(0,0) returns NULL since zero is equal to zero , which makes SQL statement to return NULL . Till this point its pointless example since both zero values are hard coded . But imagine if in case it wa