
Showing posts with the label Tricks

Handle Divide-By-Zero Error In SQL

The idea here is that, as with any other form of math that we know of, we cannot divide by zero in a SQL call. Therefore, running this code : SELECT ( 3765 / 0 ) AS value ; if  you ever tried this , result of SQL server would be  : To prevent this sort of error from being thrown, author Hugo Kornelis suggests using a NULLIF () in the divisor of the equation. NULLIF () takes two arguments and returns NULL if the two values are the same and can be used to turn the divisor from a zero into a NULL which, in turn, will force the entire equation to become NULL .  SELECT ( 3765/ NULLIF( 0, 0 ) ) AS value ; Therefore, while we try running modified query (as above) , we would end up getting Null Object , which reduces the risk of handling divide by zero : NULLIF(0,0) returns NULL since zero is equal to zero , which makes SQL statement to return NULL . Till this point its pointless example since both zero values are hard coded . But imagine if...

AngularJs -Effective way to Monitor Changes to Model data

The two-way data binding in AngularJS is very powerful, especially when there is a direct mapping of input data to view-model-data. But, when the data mapping requires some translation, interpretation, or validation, you need to get your hands a little dirty - you need to get more involved in how data changes are propagated within your Controller(s). As this has happened to me, I've been forced to think more deeply about my AngularJS application architecture; and, as a result, I've found that my life is often simplified (in the long term) by calling a directive to watch before I bind the data to View model. Factory To Monitor Changes This is easiest and effective way because of these reasons : 1) I just need to call a Trigger Method with scope which should be monitored 2) Once the data is retrieved from Ajax call , I just Initialize the data 3) If there are any changes to bound data on the form and user tries to navigate to another page, I get Confirm box on the...

Make it Easy by Angular-JS Directive to Format or Filter Date

There is always a havoc on handling dates in the application either it's java /dot net or angular . So here is the best way I found in order to overcome the problem . Date Directive Here I am going to explain about angular date filtering concept and how to  use filtering concept to filter Date across your application.It is always better to create a date.js file for those filtering concept.  The advantage of this is you can very easily filter the data anywhere in your view by just placing directive. This can be achieved by using following code in your module defined, for example : below. angular.module('', []) .filter('stringToDate', function () { return function (input) { /// gets Date input, if not, returns null. Also sets the date to /// correct format if (!input) return null; var date = moment(input); return date.isValid() ? date.format('MM/DD/YYYY') : null; }; }...

Some of the time-saving tips every AngularJS user should know !! - Part 2

Must Read  before Reading this Post : Some of the time-saving tips every AngularJS user should know !! - Part 1  . As Discussed in Earlier post  ,It was all about High/Architecture level Tips . Let's go through some Low-Level thoughts. At a Low-Level Thoughts/Tips/Gotchas: 1) Learn and love your console logs - Sometimes, especially with the digest cycles and angular lifecycle, it's sometimes easier to print your debugs to a console.logs instead of adding breakpoints. It's faster! 2) Get Batarang  , the chrome extension -   That is by far the best way to get into the bowels of AngularJS, and some of the details it provides (performance, dependencies) will make your life super simple and easy 3) Start running your unit tests on every save -   It will do the work of the compiler, and next time you break any functionality, you can fix it with a simple Undo in your IDE 4) Use the [] notation for listing your dependencies -...

Some of the time-saving tips every AngularJS user should know !! - Part 1

Having worked on and with AngularJS for short period thou , here are some of the time-saving tips at the top of my mind , Just go ahead and comment out if you find it wrong or if you have any : At a high / architecture level: 1)   Write your tests ! - Stop, right now.I mean it !!!. ;)  Don't Ever go by this Saying !!! You can never be 100% right Always write your unit tests. In Javascript, you don't have the compiler to hand hold you and tell  you did something wrong.  And you will want to pull your hair out the next time your app is broken because of a missing letter.And the larger your application gets, having the comfort of making large scale changes and refactorings without worrying about broken functionality is amazing! And writing your unit tests is the only way to get there! 2)   Don't put too many things on the scope .  The scope is expensive, as it is the one that undergoes dirty checks. Just put exactly what will be di...

Visual Studio's most useful and underused tips

Do you know Solution Tree Explorer are Searchable !!! Below ones are a saver . There's a lot of little tricks like this in Visual Studio that even the most seasoned developers sometimes miss. This phenomenon isn't limited to Visual Studio, of course. It's all software ! Here's some exceedingly useful stuff in Visual Studio (It's  free to download  and use, BTW) that folks often miss. SEARCH SOLUTION EXPLORER WITH CTRL+; You can just click the text box above the Solution Explorer to search all the nodes - visible or hidden. Or, press "Ctrl + ;" Type in anything and this shows results which match Even stuff that's DEEP in the beast. The resulting view is filtered and will remain that way until you clear the search. QUICK LAUNCH - CTRL+Q  If there is one feature that no one uses and everyone should use, it's Quick Launch. Some blogs tell us the internal telemetry numbers show that usage of Quick Launch in the single digits or lower.  Do you know...