Outlet-Free Houses

I find it interesting to think of how products we interact with everyday could be improved if they were able to wirelessly exchange data with other such products. Members of the Bluetooth SIG doing similar thought exercises results in many of the great products you currently use and ones which will be available in the near future.

The other interesting wireless enhancement which has seemed out of reach is power. There have been advancements in power mat type products that typically use inductive charging. This type of setup which would allow one to charge their mobile phone, headset, etc by placing it on the mat without having to "plug" the device in to the power adapter.

I thought this was about as wireless as power was going to get until I visited the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications in Tokyo. There, I was told of a project they are working on dubbed "Wall outlet-free houses" to deliver power throughout the house. If such a vision is realizable, think of how that would change our lives. I can't imagine never having to plug in another product. This of how much easier it would be setting up a new purchase. Think of never having to snake the alarm clock cable behind the bed or dresser.

If this concept worked, I'd think other places such as offices and hotels would adapt it as well. Think of how much easier traveling would be without having to take any power cords along. Wireless devices such as mobile phones would always be charged when leaving home or the office so they could be built with much smaller batteries. The possibilities are endless…

One potential drawback: when I asked if this was safe, the Director kind of chuckled and said it was still in research and they're not sure yet…

In any case, I hope this is one advancement in wireless technology that I live long enough to see realized.




Posted via web from Madhav Joshi


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