
The 9 Most In-Demand Programming Languages of 2016

Glassdoor published a report on the  top 25 lucrative, in-demand jobs . More than half of the jobs listed are in tech and require programming skills. If you’re interested in a fast-growing and lucrative career, you might want to make  learning code  next on your checklist! Next, comes the hard part – deciding on the best programming language to learn. To help narrow things down, below are compiled data from .While this isn’t an extensive list, it does provide insight into the most in-demand programming languages sought after by employers. Credits: Breakdown of the 9 Most In-Demand Programming Languages 1.    SQL It’s no surprise SQL (pronounced ‘sequel’) tops the job list since it can be found far and wide in various flavors. Database technologies such as MySQL, PostgreSQL and Microsoft SQL Server power big businesses, small businesses, hospitals, banks, universities. Indeed, just about every computer and a person with access to technology eventually touch somethi

Tools for quick and easy web application load testing during development

As websites, web applications, APIs, and services become more and more critical, it's import to design and build applications so that they scale well with a large number of requests. To actually test and verify the behavior of services under load, testers and developers can perform load and stress tests. For web applications, a load test would usually involve defining, writing and running test scenarios. A test scenario could be a script that simulates the behavior of a typical user across multiple pages of a website or web application. Once you defined your test scenarios, you can execute it by simulating many concurrent virtual users and monitor how your application behaves. Likewise, for APIs and other services, the idea is to generate requests that are as realistic and similar to a possible load of your production environment, so you can optimize and scale your application and services based on accurate and realistic data. There are various tools that you can use to build, co

Visual Studio's most useful and underused tips

Do you know Solution Tree Explorer are Searchable !!! Below ones are a saver . There's a lot of little tricks like this in Visual Studio that even the most seasoned developers sometimes miss. This phenomenon isn't limited to Visual Studio, of course. It's all software ! Here's some exceedingly useful stuff in Visual Studio (It's  free to download  and use, BTW) that folks often miss. SEARCH SOLUTION EXPLORER WITH CTRL+; You can just click the text box above the Solution Explorer to search all the nodes - visible or hidden. Or, press "Ctrl + ;" Type in anything and this shows results which match Even stuff that's DEEP in the beast. The resulting view is filtered and will remain that way until you clear the search. QUICK LAUNCH - CTRL+Q  If there is one feature that no one uses and everyone should use, it's Quick Launch. Some blogs tell us the internal telemetry numbers show that usage of Quick Launch in the single digits or lower.  Do you know

The infinitely large and infinitely small, two sides of the same coin: the life!!


Google Translator using Windows forms

This latest version of GoogleTranslator utilizes Google Translate's AJAX APIs to translate text and retrieves the translation by parsing the returned JSON content.  What is it? Sample Application beta Version GoogleTranslator is an object that allows you to translate text using the power of Google's online language tools. This demo  allows you to easily perform a reverse translation. The app can be used as a poor man's resource translator for simple phrases, but you'd be wise to confirm the translation with a native speaker before using the results. How do I create it? You use Google Api to get translated text to Target language you specify. string sourceLanguage =sourceLang; string targetLanguage = targetLang; string urlNew = string.Format("{0}&tl={1}&dt=t&q={2}", sourceLanguage,